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 Video excerpt

Creation 2010

9 dancers​

1 singer


75 minutes

Choregraphie :

Misook Seo

 musical conception:

Misook Seo

Music Composition :

Seokmoon Jang

Costumes :

Jérôme Kaplan

Lighting design:

Felice Ross

Dancers :

Jérémy Kouyoumdjian,

Kwanghyun Kim, Yoonhee Lee, Donggun Kim, Suksoon Jung, Whanseong Jeon, Bongsou Kim. ​​​

Singer :

Gibea Jang

Stage size:

30 metres depht


Desire is made of ​​taboo breaking and restraint. At the beginning of the infinite chain of men's desires, the desire for food is the most basic. You can even find here the base of all social relations. Men are "at the table", they are drunk and suddenly hungry to devour, to swallow, swallow constantly, endlessly.

Hunger for power, sexual domination. Ever. Apparent in their elegance, they reveal once at the table, a part of themselves, their unconscious desires in their purest and elementary
forms. Nothing seems to moderate : the highest considerations  or religion ... All desires have a common essence tune. The appetite for power does not hesitate to use its  surroundings and finally brings the human to devour everything around them, to destroy and to be left alone. Loneliness and desire are the echo one to the other.

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